
Saturday Aug 12, 2017
Character Origins: Craigg the Tapdancing Sorcerer
Saturday Aug 12, 2017
Saturday Aug 12, 2017
FRIENDS! In this special episode of Dungeons, Dragons, and Dives, we explore the backstory of everyone's favorite sorcerer Craigg!
This is the first in our backstory series, next up is Clae the Half-Orc Blacksmith!

Saturday Aug 19, 2017
Character Origins: Clae
Saturday Aug 19, 2017
Saturday Aug 19, 2017
In this episode, we explore the origins of Clae, our sweet, gentle Half-Orc blacksmith. Discover the refugee village where they grew up, the man who fostered their love of smithing, and the fateful day their adventure began.

Saturday Aug 26, 2017
C1E19 - Fantastic Beasts and How Not to Piss Them Off
Saturday Aug 26, 2017
Saturday Aug 26, 2017
After their harrowing adventure in Stoneacre, our heroes make plans to head back to Maplebrook to tell the mayor what they've discovered.
Sir Haagen Dazs gets a compliment. Clae takes a class. Craigg gets a rock.

Saturday Sep 02, 2017
C1E20 - Reunions
Saturday Sep 02, 2017
Saturday Sep 02, 2017
Our heroes finally get on the road back to Maplebrook and meet some old friends along the way...
Clae has flashbacks. Sir Haagen Dazs keeps mum. Craigg plans a daring escape.

Saturday Sep 09, 2017
C1E21 - One Last Chance
Saturday Sep 09, 2017
Saturday Sep 09, 2017
After being apprehended by a marauding band of orcs on the way to Maplebrook, our heroes come face to face with the mysterious Strawman again. Why has he captured them? What does he want with Maplebrook? Our heroes are given one last chance to save themselves.
Sir Haagen Dazs meets the local wildlife. Craigg takes off his shirt. Clae has a quiet chat.

Sunday Sep 17, 2017
C1E22 - The Greater Good (The Greater Good)
Sunday Sep 17, 2017
Sunday Sep 17, 2017
Much seems to have changed in Maplebrook in the last week. Met with a very cold reception, our heroes set out to find the cause of the town's sudden militarization.
Sir Haagen Dazs remains cautious. Clae rushes in. Craigg is on very thin ice.

Sunday Sep 24, 2017
C1E23 - The Sign of the Blue Maple (Working Title)
Sunday Sep 24, 2017
Sunday Sep 24, 2017
After learning what has happened to Maplebrook in their absence, our heroes do a little digging around town before meeting with the mayor later at night. His instructions were to meet at the "Sign of the Blue Maple," whatever the hell that means.
Craigg beguiles us with story and song. Sir Haagen Dazs is not quite stealthy. Clae tends bar.

Saturday Oct 07, 2017
C1E24 - Did Someone Order Doom Service?
Saturday Oct 07, 2017
Saturday Oct 07, 2017
After meeting with the (not so) mysterious Blue Maple Society, our heroes have decided to get some answers from their friendly neighborhood innkeeper, who they're convinced is neither friendly, from the neighborhood, or an innkeeper.
Sir Haagen Dazs gets insightful. Craigg gets a little dark. Clae gets some answers, dammit.

Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
C1E25 - Third Time's the Charm
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
After thoroughly interrogating the innkeeper's doppelganger, our heroes head back to the Bullywug village in the hopes of intercepting his brother and finding the Strawman's hideout (hint: it's in exactly the same place as it was before, go figure).
Sir Haagen Dazs makes himself at home. Clae swings for the fences. Craigg reconnects.

Monday Oct 23, 2017
C1E26 - Showdown in the Shrine
Monday Oct 23, 2017
Monday Oct 23, 2017
At last, our heroes have managed to catch the Strawman in the act. Can they save the innkeeper's son before the Strawman claims his next victim?
Clae practices medicine. Craigg starts a fire. Sir Haagen Dazs unleashes his full power.